Then a revelation came as we talked through some things. Why increase traffic when there is no real reason for people to come to our site? Our online program registration is functional, but needs work. We have an online donation page. But beyond that, we dont have anything in place to make that increased traffic stay once they are on the site. Our current members dont have much of a reason to visit the site.
So that is when our plan was rearranged a bit. We are working to create an innovative, meaningful set of online tools that will extend the services that the YMCA offers. Our first step is to super size our online registration system. We plan to make finding the class that is right for you much easier and even pointing out ones you didnt know we had. We also plan to make the whole experience much more enjoyable and effecient. We still plan to really beef up our content, but that will take a little time.
So what is unique about that to merit a blog post? Nothing, but it is my blog so PLLTTHH. (is that the sound when you stick out your tongue?)
Just kidding. This is worth posting and sharing because I wonder how many of us out there focus on spending so much time getting new traffic, recruiting new members, pushing SEO and such that we forget to make the experience meaningful to our audience.
Too many YMCAs are just OK with mediocre online registration and membership management tools. Their web site is just there as a reproduction of their brochure and a cash register to accept payment for classes. I am sure this is true with other orgs as well. My thought is to offer a set of tools like no other YMCA that adds real value to our members.