I have been pushing myself to do more with video, but well it takes time to plan, create, edit, post, share, etc.
One Minute Movie on the last Monday of the Month. #MMM. Yeah. I think I can do that!
Then once I have a few similar ones, then maybe I can compile into a blockbuster.
Anyway. The first episode of #MMM = Monday Minute Movie Episode 1 is Technology Impact.
Then to learn more about the IT Alignment model referenced in the video visit my new IT Alignment page.
Monday, January 28, 2013
Monday, January 14, 2013
Who Owns Social Media?
Who owns social media?
"Everyone owns social media." that is the answer that so many people seem to rally around. And at first glance I agreed and thought "Heck ya" and raised my hands in the air! We all own it, we all participate, you can't control it, IT'S ALL OF OURS!
But as I thought about that, I began to really wonder. Does everyone really own social media? Or is it really that noone owns social media? Then I thought, ok what the heck are we even talking about. What does that question even mean, "who owns social media?"
Are we asking who owns the social media strategy? Who is in charge of our social media presence? Who is the final decision maker of what gets posted on social media for our org? or who actually owns it?
Often I wonder if we are asking the right questions or are we looking for catchy blog titles that will get more people to buy our consulting services, read our article, share the link to the article without reading it or whatever. (like I did in this post?)
Is "Who owns Social Media?" the important question that we need to answer?
I personally don't care.
But I do care about questions like:
- Who is managing our social media authors, who are the authors and do they understand our social media philosophy? (see this awesome NTEN post about philosophy!)
- Who is responsible for managing how we use social media across all of our Marketing, Communications, Fundraising and other strategies?
- Who owns and manages our brand across all of our channels including social media?
- Who acts as the primary community manager on each of our social media channels?
- If #$%# happens on our social media who is the one person we go to for decisions on quick action?
I don't think we can have multiple owners of our communication strategy and expect to have one brand voice. We can all come up with our strategies and plans to use social media to meet our groups goals and to communicate, but they should all roll up to the organization's communication strategy that has a clear owner. Or am I just whack?
While we may all participate, contribute, engage and otherwise own our activity on social media. I do not think that everyone owns social media.
But I do think your communication strategy should have an owner with a structure that allows everyone to be active in social media.
If "Who owns Social Media?" is the wrong question, that what is the right one?
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Poking staff with a hot iron isn't branding. (Give staff a voice! Part 10 of 10)
Branding your cattle is as simple as heating an iron and then applying to their skin leaving a permanent mark. So why is branding so hard for an org and it's staff?
I think it is because branding is misunderstood. I think Seth Godin says it best in this post:
define: Brand
Here's my definition: A brand is the set of expectations, memories, stories and relationships that, taken together, account for a consumer’s decision to choose one product or service over another. If the consumer (whether it’s a business, a buyer, a voter or a donor) doesn’t pay a premium, make a selection or spread the word, then no brand value exists for that consumer. A brand's value is merely the sum total of how much extra people will pay, or how often they choose, the expectations, memories, stories and relationships of one brand over the alternatives.
A brand used to be something else. It used to be a logo or a design or a wrapper. Today, that’s a shadow of the brand, something that might mark the brand’s existence. But just as it takes more than a hat to be a cowboy, it takes more than a designer prattling on about texture to make a brand. If you’ve never heard of it, if you wouldn’t choose it, if you don’t recommend it, then there is no brand, at least not for you.
If you hear a designer say this (believe it or not, I didn't make this quote up), “A TCHO Chocolate bar, with its algorithmic guilloche patterns, looks like a modern form of currency. “Modern” was always part of the brand brief — no faux traditionalism, but resolutely forward-looking for a new generation of chocolate enthusiasts...” then I wonder if there’s a vocabulary disconnect.
Design is essential but design is not brand.

You have to work to balance your desire to control or manage your brand while enabling your staff to influence it. But your staff WILL influence your brand whether you help them do it or not. In many ways your staff are your brand.
I think back to some of rebranding that I have been a part of. I was told what the brand is. I was told what to say as a staff person. It was made clear to me that only the leadership team was smart enough to define our brand. My job was to only carry out the orders and stick to the company line.
Some of those things are necessary during a rebrand. But telling someone what the brand is won't change anything until they feel it, support it and become a part of it.
Sorta like a new recipe. You can tell everyone that it is good, even that it is the best. But how can you know until you try. And even after you try, you may not agree.
Some of those things are necessary during a rebrand. But telling someone what the brand is won't change anything until they feel it, support it and become a part of it.
Sorta like a new recipe. You can tell everyone that it is good, even that it is the best. But how can you know until you try. And even after you try, you may not agree.

- Monitor all communications about your brand from your audience and from your staff
- Publish a set of guidelines to direct brand communications, see this AWESOME article from NTEN about creating a philosophy!
- Provide constructive feedback and positive encourage on all staff brand communications (as much as possible)
- Create metrics to inform your efforts
- Spend time reviewing, sharing and reflecting on the outcomes from the metrics.
Managing a brand is not a simple task, but it needs to be done. Good luck!
For some further reading on this topic, here is a recent article from Mashable! (if you consider 2010 recent, but just shows this isn't new stuff)
For some further reading on this topic, here is a recent article from Mashable! (if you consider 2010 recent, but just shows this isn't new stuff)
Thanks for reading all of my posts in the series of giving staff a voice. (if you did)
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